Ilya Orlov is a conceptual artist and theorist based in Helsinki. Ilya is a co-founder and co-editor of Shy Plumber: A Journal of Art and Anti-Art, a new independent international art periodical issued in Helsinki.
Solo Exhibitions (Selected)
Functional Art. Helsinki International Artist Programme (HIAP), Helsinki. 2020.
Conflict of the Faculties. Theatre Academy, Helsinki. 2019.
A Piece of Art. Love&Money Gallery, Helsinki. 2019.
Helsinki Encounters. The Academy of Fine Arts Helsinki Library. 2019.
Autumn Colour Index. Munkkivuori Park, Helsinki, Finland. 2018.
Monument to a Scientific Error. Kallio Library. Helsinki, Finland. 2018.
The Very Last Futurist Exhibition. Merz Sammonkatu. Tampere, Finland. 2018.
Museum of the Museum. CheckPoint Helsinki. Helsinki, Finland. 2017.
1917: Weighed, Up-Measured, Divided. Alkovi gallery, Helsinki, Finland. 2017.
The Last Futurist Television, a series of performances, St. Petersburg, Stockholm. 2015.
Untitled. AL Gallery. S. Petersburg. 2013.
Song on Gentrification. The Museum of Political History. St. Petersburg. Russia. 2012.
Obvodny canal. Navicula Artis. St. Petersburg. 2009.
Group Exhibitions (Selected)
Shy Plumber exhibition #1 (co-curated y Ilya Orlov). Alkovi Gallery, Helsinki, Finland. 2020-2021.
Gelecek Olarak Hatırlamak. Rab-Rab Komitesi. Tüyap Ütopya. Istanbul, Turkey. 2017.
The Story of How Nicholas II and Magician Papus Secretly Conducted a Spiritist Seance Aimed to Prevent the Revolution, and Failed. Hiekan Taidemuseo. Tampere, Finland. 2017.
Red Rijeka Assembly. SIZ Gallery in Kortil Gallery, Rijeka, Croatia, 2017.
Finnish Landscape. Curated by Joanna Warsza. Helsinki, Finland. 2016
Manifesta 10. 2014
In Translation. NCCA, St. Petersburg. 2014.
Detective. The Moscow Museum of Modern Art (MMoMA), Moscow. 2014.
The Academy of Fine Arts, University of the Arts, Helsinki. PhD candidate.
Saint-Petersburg State University, The Faculty of Liberal Arts and Sciences (Smolny College), Saint-Petersburg / Bard College. Master of Arts and Humanities, 2013.
Saint-Petersburg State University, The Faculty of Liberal Arts and Sciences (Smolny College), Saint-Petersburg / Bard College. Bachelor of Arts and Humanities, 2007.
Publications (Selected):
Ilya Orlov, A Revolutionary Museum after Ideology // CuMMA Papers #14, 2015.
Ilya Orlov, Marsovo pole i traur v politike [The Field of Mars and Mourning in Politics] // OpenLeft, 2015.
Ilya Orlov, The Field of Mars: Revolution, Mourning, and Memory, The Russian Reader, 2014
Ilya Orlov, March 23, 1917: Mourning and Celebration in Revolutionary Politics // Ab Imperio, 2012.